Sunday, March 24, 2013


Some time, when you import the model in the simulation environment of NX Nastran, the faces of the model do not combine together. Therefore it is important to combine them before procedure with the analysis process. To combine the faces of a model together, you can use the Sew tool. By using the Sew tool of the NX Nastran you can sew the free edges/faces of the model.

Below the figure shows the geometry with open surface, and the next figure shows the part after merging the surface using the Sew tool.
Geometry with open edges

Geometry with sew edges

Monday, February 11, 2013

Creating Midsurface in NX Nastran

You can simplify your geometry for analysis by creating a midsurface. The midsurface tool generate an middle surface between pairs of surfaces selected. After generating the midsurface, you can use it to perform analysis directly and apply uniform shell meshing.

Below the figure shows the master part shown with default thickness, and the next figure shows the part after creating the midsurface.
Master Part

Master Part After Creating Midsurface

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Model Preparation using NX Nastran

Many time before analysis on a model, it is necessary to simplify that. After the simplification, the model become easy to meshing. For preparing model, we can use two type of process; geometry idealization and geometry abstraction.

The geometry idealization is the process to remove or suppress features from the model for proper defining a mesh. You can use the geometry idealization process to remove features such as bosses, fillet,  champhers, that are not significant in analysis.

The geometry abstraction operations can be perform on the geometry within the FEM environment. Using geometry abstraction operation you can remove small fillets as well as the small holes from the model.

Below the figure shows the master part with all its features and the next figure below it shows the prepared part for analysis after removing the small features that are not important for analysis.

Master Part in NX Nastran

The Idealized Part